Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away!

I was out in the North End having dinner on Friday night, got home at about 10:30 and decided to watch that night's Yankee game that I had recorded on DVR.

Much to my 10:30 dismay, the game was postponed due to rain. In Baltimore, no less.

Not a big deal for me, I much prefer to watch a game in real time.

But it is a big deal for the Yanks who saw their third game of this very young season rained out. In less than three weeks, that's three games that did not happen.

And so I have to wonder, what is going on with the weather?

MLB has had 16 rainouts so far this year, compare that to a total of 21 during the entire 2010 season. Seems excessive to me.

And at this rate, if these games are tacked on to the end of the season, then there is the real risk of World Series' games being snowed out!


  1. Perhaps the Man Upstairs, the Grand Commissioner, is unhappy about the state of affairs in America's favorite pastime..?!? A deal trade that has been irksome, the soon-to-be sale of hard-liquor at Fenway, or the perennial irritation of the DH... who knows?

    Your blog is in its prime right now, and you can tell you're having fun with it. Enjoy!

  2. First, Douglas, I'm all about the hard liquor! ;)

    Donna, I can't explain the weather, but I sure can gripe with you on the redundance of putting the playoffs so late into Autumn. As cool as it was to think the Red Sox could play a World Series game on Halloween, it's also pretty stupid. At this point in time most of New England is focused on the Patriots and the thought of baseball was a season ago. Marketing and the bottom dollar has ruined many of America's national past times.
