Monday, March 7, 2011

Friday Night Fix

The week was a tough one for me. Tests equal stress; lots of tests equal lots of stress. Which is probably why on Friday afternoon, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection.

After filling my Rx at CVS, I felt sorry for myself and thought some pampering would be a good fix.

So, I headed to Finale for a most unhealthy (and costly) lunch of butterscotch pudding and hazelnut hot chocolate. I left Finale believing I was on the road to recovery.

What's this have to do with counting down to opening day? Relax, I'm getting there.

After an hour curled on the couch (still feeling sorry for myself) with Oprah, I began flipping channels. And that's when I discovered it -- the perfect cure for my aches and pains --Yankee pre-season baseball.

And at 7 p.m., I was front and center on my comfy couch watching my boys of summer take on the Boston Red Sox. Suddenly, my sinus congestion and pressure lessened, my symptoms were fading fast.

Was it the antibiotics? The hot chocolate and butterscotch pudding? Was it Oprah?

No, it was baseball, my own "chicken soup" for the body and for the soul.


  1. Can't wait for opening day! Your Oprah references crack me up.

  2. I agree, your Oprah stuff was pretty hysterical. Also, something about the line "After filling my Rx at CVS, I felt sorry for myself and thought some pampering would be a good fix," really struck me as almost poetic. Don't know why.

    I look forward to reading more of your stuff!
